Monday, March 17, 2008

The Short End of Consumerism's Big Stick

Howdy Y'all! Ever wonder why we can afford to fill the empty spaces with loads and loads of cheap crap? Well thats easy: sweatshops!


Its no secret (actually its a BIG secret), that cutthroat capitalism has abandoned our historically unionizing workforce and gone to beautiful faraway places like Asia and South America in search of cheap labor to make cheap crap. The whacky laws and trade agreements the US has with various regions enable big businesses to build manufacturing plants that destroy the environment and destroy the people. Without education and action by the US consumer, there is little hope.

For your compassionate consideration, China Blue is an excellent documentary about sweatshops in China. In its entirety:

Fun for all!

Here is a handy Sim Sweatshop Game for parents and kids to play so we can all get a little taste of the frustration and injustice in sweatshops.

And remember:

There is no 'I' in teamwork but there is in 'win' which is not in slavery!

(I get a little link-happy sometimes)


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