Friday, November 7, 2008

Links to the GOP Rebuild

I want to share with you some links and ideas that are floating around the Republican online activism networks.

Its nothing unexpected or scary, they are just planning to take over the world.

First, the chatter about the overall rebuild. Their first (and really only) priority is building an online infrastructure to rival the Left's. My favorite part is near the end when they talk about the “inherently conservative idea” of inclusion that was apparently manipulated by the Obamatons.


Somehow I can’t see many people consciously choosing to be a part of a group that relies on marginalizing either the “fiscal” proponents or the religious extreme of the party in order to get anything done. How could any libertarian “maverick” worth her salt possibly tolerate taking orders from a flat-earther?

Then there is the Palin fan-club who want to see her or someone like her rise to the occasion by 2010 or 2012.

Fuck those assholes.

And finally, because I have been following it, Personhood Colorado is going national with PersonhoodUSA. They are intentionally targeting states with low-thresholds to get the eggmendment on other ballots.

God sent out the memo that a crushing 73% defeat was not His will so, onward Christian soldiers!!!

Child abuser and eggmendment supporter Bob Enyart said:

``Part of our goal was to overturn Roe v. Wade, but it's not reasonable to expect an institution to correct its error,'' he said. ``Our goal is to increase the social tension over abortion.''

(On) What would Jesus spend?

Demoralized Republicans, please click a link to choose your favorite flavor of fail and they will gladly furnish the signs that read if you aren't with us, then you're with the terrorists and you can run with it from there.

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